Author Topic: i installed autossl without www now with www browser says bad certificate  (Read 7262 times)

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i installed autossl without www now with www browser says bad certificate. Shoud be normal?

yes if you don't have an A record for www alias.
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I have the same issue. I can't add A record because www already cname. I keep getting error. How do you add the A record?

I have to delete the CNAME and then it allowed me to create the A Record for www. By the way, why is the default template not use A Record but CNAME. This is confusing for beginners like myself. I would think because CNAME was used then it must be the right way.

Oh because I created the ssl certificate so many times now I have to wait a week before I can create it again. I am stuck for 7 days. A big lesson not to use the auto ssl option when creating new domain. Editing DNS with all the correct records first before create ssl cert.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 02:31:29 PM by monkeyking »