Author Topic: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail  (Read 10515 times)

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So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« on: April 09, 2019, 09:11:34 AM »
Yesterday update on my two servers broke the webmail service. It redirects to localhost:2096, but obiously, there is nothing, of course.

I restarted the services, the server, changed some configuration files but the error persist partially. I can access to de rouncube with the https://vps.domain:2096, but not over https://website.domain/webmail/ that is the one everybody uses.

Last changes in the CWP was a disaster, first, continuous troubles with certificates, the last ones, the change to PHP-FPM, and now the webmail issue. I considered that CWP was a good software, but last updates gives me a lot of work and headaches.

Can the developers inform about the changes previously to update anything and give the option of not to update or update partially? :(

Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2019, 11:21:20 AM »
yum update cwpsrv will fix this localhost redirect
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Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2019, 04:11:43 PM »
Same issue here with CentOS 7 + CWP :( - All yum updates (including cwpsrv) are already installed, server rebooted, browser cache cleared, yet webmail.<domain> redirect doesn't work.

Code: [Select]
# cat /etc/centos-release
CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
No packages marked for update

# yum list installed | grep @cwp
apr.x86_64                            1.6.2-1                          @cwp     
apr-devel.x86_64                      1.6.2-1                          @cwp     
apr-util.x86_64                       1.6.0-1                          @cwp     
apr-util-devel.x86_64                 1.6.0-1                          @cwp     
cwp-httpd.x86_64                      2.4.39-1                         @cwp     
cwp-php.x86_64                        5.6.37-1                         @cwp     
cwp-suphp.x86_64                      0.7.2-3                          @cwp     
cwpphp.x86_64                         7.0.32-1                         @cwp     
cwpsrv.x86_64                         1.15.10-2                        @cwp     

As a temporary workaround (while knowing it's not a real fix), I have made the following change to /usr/local/apache/conf/sharedip.conf.
Code: [Select]
    RewriteRule ^/(.*)$1 [P]TO
Code: [Select]
    RewriteRule ^/(.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}:2096/$1 [R]
And restarted web server:
Code: [Select]
# service httpd restart
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl restart httpd.service

http://webmail.<domain> now redirects to: https://webmail.<domain>:2096 which is not ideal but works.

I hope an official fix comes out soon from CWP team. Keep up the good work guys!  8)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 04:51:51 PM by cfan2018 »

Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2019, 11:00:50 AM »
Hi, the fix already released.
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Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2019, 11:37:39 PM »
why on earth are these fixes required just days after the updates have been released? This is happening time and time again...almost every time an update is released, urgent patches are also required by CWP developers. That demonstrates to me a complete lack of forward thinking from developers!

Am i wrong in this? I hope I am wrong in this!

Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2019, 07:53:40 AM »
Hi, the patches and fixes released as soon as developers got the info about bugs. Course it requires time.
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Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2019, 09:08:24 AM »
I accept that, however, in all honesty, do these "developers" understand the meaning of the word "test"?

Testing requires backwards and forwards compatibility checks on a wide variety of systems. If CWP doesnt have the resources to do that, then they need to first release betas so that the community can do the testing for them (it is the only way).

Also, I am a Virtualmin user. I have been running Virtualmin for more than 2 years. It is by far one of the most stable and well tested control platforms on the opensource market today. My only reason for persisting with CWP is the aesthetics of the user interface (you guys have at least got that right). However, as far as stability, functionality goes...CWP falls far short of Virtualmin. Admittedly time in the market does make a difference, however, some of the issues with CWP are issues that simply should not happen in todays market. They should follow well documented standards but do not for some reason only known to the developers.

If i didnot know better, i would say that a very large proportion of CWP problems come about as a direct result of attempting to protect intellectual property in a manner that is very poorly thought out and implemented. One either has to go the whole hog and employ a massive number of staff and follow cpanel, or otherwise open the code up to the open source community for assistance in development. Using Ioncube to encode everything dumps everyone in the shit when your programmers cock up!

Re: So much update errors last days: Last one, I lost webmail
« Reply #7 on: May 16, 2019, 09:58:46 PM »
I totally agree.  Updating a production server should never be more than twice a year, and the patch should be thoroughly tested before release.  The last 3 updates, it took me up to a week, each time, to find the source of the bugs and crashes.  Automatic update is cool on a workstation but on a server,  its bad practice. 

Oh and btw, installing new software packages in an update without consent is NOT cool at all.  I found Netdata installed and enabled, out of the blue.  An external monitoring system that export server data to a cloud service is a security risk that i did not agreed on.