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Messages - monkeyking

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FTP / Re: pure-ftpd enable root user
« on: July 01, 2018, 01:00:27 PM »
I have this same issue.
Response:   331 User root OK. Password required
Command:   PASS *****************************
Response:   530 Sorry, but I can't trust you
Error:   Critical error: Could not connect to server

But if I use SFTP then I get this.
Error:   Network error: Connection refused
Error:   Could not connect to server

Can you someone please help?

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Auto Update File Manager Not Working
« on: July 01, 2018, 10:41:24 AM »
I think there was an auto update just happened. Now my Admin File Manager is not working anymore.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Compress in File Manager
« on: June 30, 2018, 07:51:21 AM »
So I contacted support. I guess it's a bug as they reply with this.
you need to do it via ssh currently compress function is not working

Information / Re: Reduce server response time [Anyone Else?]
« on: June 30, 2018, 07:26:49 AM »
I take back on the last comment. I was wrong. I have spend two weeks or more on this issue and the answer was just right under my noise.

I recently used Cloudflare for DDoS protection because it was recommended by my new host. I didn't think must of it afterward.

Well, it turned out Cloudflare was the cause. You can read about it here.

Information / Re: CWPpro Reviews
« on: June 30, 2018, 07:22:41 AM »
It will never optimize your website unless you create varnish rules for your software/website. So moving to hdd or ram allocation wont help unless you follow varnish rules.

Like if you are running wordpress you can search github for premade vcl and use it for your website


Big thank you. I follow those guides and I noticed that Varnish is working properly now. I used to see Age=0 when I ran tests with tools like pingdom. On second run then I see Age like 10 or so or some other numbers. Then it would dropped back to 0 every so often. Now Age always equal to some numbers. My first test run is almost always as good as second run.

Also, I had issues with "Reduce server response time". I did a lot of homework on this too. And found out that Cloudflare was the cause. They have issues with TTFB (time to first byte). They wrote about it here.

I hope that help.

Information / Re: CWPpro Reviews
« on: June 30, 2018, 02:36:08 AM »
It will never optimize your website unless you create varnish rules for your software/website. So moving to hdd or ram allocation wont help unless you follow varnish rules.

Like if you are running wordpress you can search github for premade vcl and use it for your website


Just great, now I am even more confused.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Compress in File Manager
« on: June 30, 2018, 12:36:22 AM »
What I meant is that in CWP file manager. I selected files and folders then compressed. But that new looks fine until unzip it gives error. I even downloaded it to my local pc and try to zip it. And indeed there was errors.

You think you can test it?

Information / Re: CWPpro Reviews
« on: June 29, 2018, 03:07:18 PM »
You are right I am on Centos 7. I just increase my memory to 4096. But I don't see any improvement in performance. I think that's it. That's all you can push for performance. I guess anything else will depend on hardware.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Compress in File Manager
« on: June 29, 2018, 08:08:27 AM »
Can someone else have this issue on it's just me?

Information / Re: CWPpro Reviews
« on: June 29, 2018, 07:55:18 AM »
Any reason why you don't update your CWP? I don't have those options as you do.

Information / Re: CWPpro Reviews
« on: June 28, 2018, 10:05:21 AM »

First I would like to know what version are you on? I am on CWPpro version: I don't have that screen. I have this.

Anyways, I contacted support about Varnish in pro verison using RAM as storage. So it turned out that it used to be for pro but now it's also in free version as well.

Malloc is that feature using RAM for storage. I guess it's default in the free version and pro.

I tried to increase storage to 4GB but still same thing, no improvement. I guess that's that. This end the PRO vs FREE regarding Varnish.

Updates / Update Curl
« on: June 28, 2018, 09:38:56 AM »
How do you update to the latest Curl version?

Yeah, I had this issue too. There's a couple of things to consider.

1. When I create a new account I stop using the AutoSSL to install at that time. I do it later. Unless your DNS templates working perfectly.

2. After created the account, I go to the DNS Function >> DNS List Zones >> Edit Records for the domain just created. I don't use CNAME for www. I changed that to A. And you will have to use ip address instead of your domain.

3. When all of my DNS Records look good then I log into User control panel. There I use AutoSSL.

4. If that failed then I will go to Admin control panel. Apache Settings > SSL Certification > AutoSSL [FREE]

NOTE. If you create new certifications then delete, there's a limit that Let's Encrypt allows. Then you will have to wait for them to reset before you can create it again. On their site it said 1 week.

Information / Re: CWPpro Reviews
« on: June 27, 2018, 09:20:10 AM »
Hey guys, I saw it was mentioned a few times about control panel doesn't make your server faster or that it doesn't have anything to do with speed.

I totally get what you meant. And I agreed.

I know that hardware matter. If you have a 1 vcore and 2 GB Ram then you can beat 2 vcore 8 GB Ram and so on. It doesn't matter in that regard.

But a clean software with the right configuration can have it runs at its best.

I came from another control panel which I will not name. I used it for years but it looks like a dying project. So I found CWP. Anyways, that control panel was not able to use varnish with https. It was not configure for it.

I noticed my load time was faster when I made a switched to CWP and ran Varnish.

I saw on said, "Varnish Cache Server advanced setup by using RAM as cache storage (for best performances)".

You guys that using pro version noticed any different in that feature? And how do you know that Varnish is using RAM for cache storage?

Information / Re: Reduce server response time [Anyone Else?]
« on: June 22, 2018, 07:41:27 AM »
After farther investigation, I've learned that it's Varnish. On my old control panel I didn't use Varnish. I was using a WordPress cache plugin. For some reasons Varnish and Contact Form 7 together is causing this suggestion from PageSpeed.

After deactivated CF7, no more suggestion. If use CF7 then don't use Varnish instead use cache plugin, no more suggestion.

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