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Messages - monkeyking

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FTP / Re: pure-ftpd enable root user
« on: July 02, 2018, 04:09:00 AM »
Did you tried with WinSCP too?
Just tried it. No luck.

FTP / Re: pure-ftpd enable root user
« on: July 02, 2018, 04:04:54 AM »
Did you tried with WinSCP too?
No, first time heard of it. But I will try it.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 02, 2018, 04:02:16 AM »
By the way, this version: also fixed the file manager compress feature.

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Compress in File Manager
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:59:47 AM »
[SOLVED] version:

CentOS-WebPanel Bugs / Re: Auto Update File Manager Not Working
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:56:48 AM »
[SOLVED] version:

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:39:34 AM »
Before you log back into your Admin panel try to clean your browser.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:20:11 AM »
By the way, just a tip on running update.
Code: [Select]
sh /scripts/update_cwpYou have to wait. It does take awhile. In the beginning when I first use CWP and ran the update. I always thought it's not working because it seems like it was struck and did nothing. So I kept on running the script then I got sick of it and left for lunch.

I came back, it was updated. LOL

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:15:12 AM »
Quote from: tinchocba
Thanks! But not working for me...
Did you check you see your version updated to

Quote from: tinchocba
Mmm this is a KVM? The other too or was a OpenVZ?
Both are KVMs.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:07:17 AM »
I don't think something's wrong with your config.

Thanks for the feedback. It helps.

The reason I was worry is because I was another host provider running the exact copy with CWP. It seems to used a lot more RAM (4-5.5GB of 12GB) than CPU. Now that I moved to new host, it's less RAM usages but more CPU. -_- confused.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 02, 2018, 03:00:20 AM »
There's just another update with fixed. So
Code: [Select]
sh /scripts/update_cwp

Information / Re: Reduce server response time [Anyone Else?]
« on: July 02, 2018, 02:59:33 AM »
Yeah, I get the frustration. It does seem like everything they want you to contact support. When you do contact support they tried to tell you that CWP & CWPpro don't come with support. You have to pay for support.

And it the forum, we have a bunch of people that are lost and putting their hairs.

I'm looking for a free control panel but if I'm going to pay for support everyday or monthly then I will just pay for cPanel. It is as you said "crazy"!

I am thinking about trying Vesta but I just moved to CWP 3 weeks ago. Also just upgraded to pro. It's so much of a pain to keep on moving as it effect my business.

Anyways, my issue with "Reduce server response time (TTFB)" was cause my Cloudflare. I stop using Cloudflare even though there was an increase in load time. But I think as for SEO, Google seem to care enough about TTFB that they have it on PageSpeed. This is just my opinion. Maybe load time is not as important as TTFB if your load is acceptable. Google cares for user experience. User hate to wait.

Anyways, you sound experienced with servers. I am not. I simply learn as needed for my websites. Have you tried Vesta? I like CWP because it already configured with varnish+ngnix+apache. I can't do it on my own. But I see a lot people voted for Vesta over CWP at lowendtalk by a huge margin.

By the way, I've just updated. File manager working now.

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 01, 2018, 07:56:45 PM »
Oh, saw your message first and didn't know what you were talking. Now I know. And the answer is no. I didn't noticed anymore memory use. But I think my memory usage is always been low. I am thinking there's something wrong with my config. I have 16GB RAM but it only use around 1.5-3gb max. I feel like I am not making full use of my RAM. Something is wrong?

CentOS-WebPanel GUI / Re: FileManager 2 not found
« on: July 01, 2018, 04:51:45 PM »
There was an auto update earlier and that cause the bug.

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