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Messages - pixelpadre

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Updates / solved
« on: February 20, 2020, 06:01:33 PM »
Ok after 942 postfix status is Failed.

I restarted then rebuilt the mailserver and that seemed to work.

I should get another star.

Updates / Re: mail problem after update 42
« on: February 20, 2020, 04:26:30 PM »
Oddly outbound mail on both servers is working now.  No explaination.

Updates / Re: mail problem after update 42
« on: February 20, 2020, 03:31:16 PM »
So it seems that from my android the mail server works, but from my desktop it does not work.  I have two servers and one server is running v941 and all mail works.  the other server is v942 and is not working.

Updates / mail problem after update 42
« on: February 20, 2020, 02:42:45 PM »
Sending of the message failed.
Peer reports it experienced an internal error.
The configuration related to must be corrected

Error is outbound only.  Inbound works fine.

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 17, 2020, 01:18:36 PM »
Thats a big assumption :P

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 15, 2020, 07:30:27 PM »

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 15, 2020, 12:13:42 PM »
Just out of curiosity, hows come you have a photo and I dont.

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 15, 2020, 12:28:28 AM »
I am not asking anyone to change suit my needs.  I overcame the problem by simply using a fake domain ( that I do not own for the default user domain.  Then the public_html will never have any files.

There is no logical reason why creating an addon domain also creates an addon directory, but default domain does not get its own directory under the public_html directory.  Like you said, they all do it.  Its not a big problem, but its just chaotic when i explore my main domain and see all these other addon folders sorted alphabetically amongst my default domain files and folders.

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 14, 2020, 01:07:58 PM »
I don't know what to tell you.  public_html has been around for decades. If you don't like it, your more than welcome to amend  apache/nginx to meet your needs.   Nobody's twisting your arm to use this software.  You could install a simple lamp stack and manage it yourself.  Your using a package software for the ease of configuring your server. Deal with it, stop complaining, or change to a software that suits what you want to happen.

Why cant anyone understand what I am saying. 

I dont have a problem with public_html.  the problem is the default domain goes there instead of public_html/

I dont want any files in /public_html/ I want only other directories in /public_html/

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 14, 2020, 12:45:43 AM »
I havent had cpanel in many years, and they had the same lame structure as CWP.  I guess what I am really asking is "why is the primary domain treated differently than all of the add on domains for any given user."

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 13, 2020, 10:55:40 AM »
Now lets say the same user wants to add 10 domains.
Actually, I do know what you are saying and have come across quite a few clients that have used add-on domains, to host multiple customers/websites under their own account. Bad idea. I've seen this in both cPanel and Plesk and I strongly discourage its' use, regardless of the directory structure used. Any clearer?
As said, a Reseller type of control panel account is a much better prospect - in fact, that's how I started in value-add hosting.
However, if you're not interested in a (more) secure environment, don't let me dissuade you.  :-X

Parked domains are, of course, something different.

No you still dont get it.

My users have a user account and they can add 10 of their own domains for personal use.  But their primary domain associated with their account does not have its own folder like all of their other personal domains.

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 13, 2020, 12:56:13 AM »
I have actually used a domain that I dont own just to fulfill the cpanel requirements.  Then there will never be any files in the public_html directory...only web directories.

Installation / Re: The big Question
« on: February 13, 2020, 12:30:10 AM »
Every hosting panel does the same thing.  Setup add-on domains of you want them all under one account.

You guys are not understanding.  When I create an account for a user, the users domain is /public_html.  Now lets say the same user wants to add 10 domains. The public_html folder will have all of the files for the main website.  But it will also have domain1-10 directories.  What I want to know is why the main domain cant be /public_html/ .  this way the public_html directory will only have 11 directories and no files.  Nice and clean.

Installation / The big Question
« on: February 12, 2020, 10:23:12 PM »
So since day #1, I have wondered why we have to have a domain associated with a user.  The requirement to have a domain means that one of my domains will be in /public_html and not /public_html/

This is a MAJOR pain in my arse.  It means all of my files and folders will be scattered about with all of my other domain folders.  From a housekeeping perspective, it looks like a total cluster F.

SSL / Re: Only authorised on 8443
« on: February 08, 2020, 02:35:59 AM »
Hi guys, I can't seem to find the answer to this in the forum. I running Nginx varnish Apache and have previously had SSL set up and running fine. Today the website was showing as unsecure. I checked and the certificate was still valid, so I deleted it and installed a new one using auto ssl. However, each time I try and check the certificate I get an error telling me that the certificate is either not installed or unable to read. I have port 443 open in the firewall as well as in the router. If I check the certificate through port 8443 it validates...
What have I done wrong please?

DNS propagation will take 3-4 days.  what is the url

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